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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

yeast infection no more - Sea urchin sting can be dangerous

If the spine is not removed in time can lead to pyogenic infection

You're probably at least once in their lifetime to wade sea urchin , touched cnidarian jellyfish or find a tick on your skin. It is now time to look after it because vacations can become a nightmare if you do not react properly and on time

Dr Nevia Delalle Lozica spec Dermatology and Venerology Clinic from " Dermalife"warned that the consequences can arise if you do not repair the injury from punctures urchin, jellyfish and ticks, and detailed description of what you need to provide first aid and how to provide it.

Sea urchins

Sea urchins can be found anywhere in our sea and are a sign of clear water .More often placed among the rocks and stones, but it is not the rule. Spines they

serve to protect it from predators, but when ugaziš the hedgehog or lay your spikes on it like a needle deep attach themselves to the skin, usually the feet , but not uncommon in other parts of the body. In addition to pain and inflammation , it is important to remove as soon as possible so as not to spines formed wound yeast infection no more full version.

               Funding for first aid : warm water, sterile needle, tweezers, alcohol, antibiotic ointment or powder, epithelization Cream

               The first step - it is important that omekšaš skin area where the spikes, especially skin
feet, which is the thickest. It is best to do it in warm water.

               The second step - Disinfect the skin with alcohol, and spines that are above the surface of the skin gently pulling
with tweezers.

               Step Three - sterile needle to open the channels for those spines that are
located deeper and light circular movements are drawn to the surface with
the help of tweezers.

               Step four - when all the spines out there, you can rub antibiotic ointment
or powder, and it may take only a cream for skin revitalization.


Medusa periodically appear in our seas and fortunately they are often less dangerous. But when you lay your cnidarian appears to be a strong pain similar tosunburn and , skin redness or blisters, and can remain long after hyperpigmentation, and scars . The venom of some species can lead to a fatal end, but more often in some warmer seas and Australia.

               Funding for first aid: sea water, vinegar, lemon juice or urine, gloves, cold packs, painkillers, antihistamines, topical corticosteroids.

               The first step - it's important to stay calm despite the pain, get off the skin carefully jellyfish and get out of the sea. Do not rub the remaining cnidarian order to prevent further rubbing poison in the body, but the remaining cnidarian washed with water, not fresh water and not with bare fingers.

               The second step - the burn area should be watered plain vinegar and leave it in order to inactivate the poison, and can be used urine or lemon juice. In the case of strong reactions take an antihistamine (Claritin tablets ), calcium, and pampers local redness with mild corticosteroid preparations ( Aflodermcreme).

               Step three - can alleviate pain by cold compresses , and analgesics


Ticks are arthropods belonging to the family of mites and parasites on the host transmitting a number of diseases . For man is most commonly found in those parts where the skin is softer and wetter as the abdomen , groin, neck, behind the ear, so it's important to stay in nature after review precisely those parts. The most dangerous diseases that ticks transmit the Lyme borreliosis and tick-borne viralencephalitis .
But ticks need 24-36 hours to transmit the infection from the time when he took on the host. Therefore, it is important to remove it as soon as possible. Today in the market there are numerous resources for protection from insects , called.repellents that are safe for health so that before going into the nature definitely care.

               Funding for first aid : should you two handy fingers, a good eye and antiseptic.

               The first step - when you find a tick, quick motion he thrust two fingers with his head down. Then a slight movement left, right foot comes to layoffs that are like a harpoon from the inside skin, then ga quick motion pull out.

               The second step - the important thing is that you're choking do not tick with alcohol or oil, because then tick throws potentially infected content and only then can lead to disease transmission. Also, make sure that the head does not stay inside. If this happens, sterile needle out the rest. There is no danger if the head and remains after removal, because the main source of infective material in its womb.

               Step Three - After removing the tick apliciraj an antiseptic and wash skin reaction. Redness and irritation pass within three days, and if
that persists longer, pick a doctor.

               Step four - right after spending time outdoors take off all your clothes and the view, and then SHOWER view the entire body.

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