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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

diet solution program - new high risk diet

Some of the most popular diets for quick weight loss were visoproteinske diets with low carbohydrate.
these children are characterized by the fact that the largest number of entries of calories from foods rich in protein such as red meat, fish, eggs, poultry and cheeses, while carbohydrate-rich foods to avoid or eat in small measure.

Although the American Heart Association and the National Association for Education of cholesterol does not recommend implementing these diets, they are still one of the most popular, probably because of the rapid weight loss in the beginning.

Some of the most popular new high diets are: Atkin's Diet , South Beach Diet and the Dukan diet .

new high goal of most diets is to induce a state of "positive ketosis" which results in intense wear fat as an energy source. For this reason, the child called a ketogenic diet.

Specifically, the ketogenic diet is a special diet that is based on the state of ketosis, in which the body comes after some time eating mostly protein and fat. When one enters the body into a state of ketosis, instead of sugar primary source of energy becomes fat.

This occurs when the body gets a certain period of very small amounts of carbohydrates. Once you start with this type of diet, your body goes through many changes. After about 48 hours of the start of the diet, the body begins to use ketone email to efficiently use the energy stored in fat cells. In other words, the primary source of energy become to be carbohydrates (ie, glucose), while their place replace fats, ie fatty acids . Therefore, during ketosis is not a problem to eat foods with higher amounts of fat than it would otherwise seem reasonable.
Given that the ketogenic diet is very important to bring a small amount of carbohydrate, most prevalent food-based cheese, eggs, meat and fish.
Such kind diet, however, can have adverse health effects. Many individuals who follow diet overly rich in animal protein, often have elevated cholesterol, osteoporosis or high triglycerides.

Risks of new high diets
most common problems and complications associated with high protein diets are:

Renal failure
Consuming too much protein load on the kidneys, which can worsen the condition of people who already have kidney problems.

High cholesterol
is a well known association of high child (which consists of eating red meat and dairy products poorest) with high cholesterol.

Osteoporosis and kidney stones
high protein diet promotes increased calcium excretion through the urine (more than a person with a balanced diet), which over a long period increases the risk of osteoporosis and kidney stones.

Carcinoma of the
high protein diet does not cause cancer, but limiting the intake of fruits, vegetables, grains, and consequently of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber and antioxidants, which are the biggest fighters against various forms of cancer.

Experts in nutrition and weight loss believe that high protein diet contains a lot more risks than benefits, and that their attraction to mostly consist of promises of quick weight loss and diet new high theories have not been scientifically validated.

In most cases people would prefer to choose a quick but definite change in diet and lifestyle habits. In this way, after losing weight can be back to their old eating habits that caused and overweight, which is contrary to the recommendations of a healthy weight loss. Weight loss should result in a decrease in the percentage of body fat, as well as to reduce the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer, not just weight loss in order to gain a better line.

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